Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mritasanjeevani Yantra to overcome terminal illness


The Mritasanjeevani Yantra, as the name suggests, is meant for overcoming health problems and fear of life threatening ailments.

This Yantra is particularly beneficial for those whose horoscope reveals a vulnerability to frequent ill health or those who are suffering a serious or terminal illness.

Yantras are sacred amulets prepared as per scriptural injunctions given in the Tantra texts. They are then worshipped and energised in a temple for a minimum of 15 days with the chanting of the appropriate mantra associated with that yantra and its presiding deity.

Some Yantras are placed in the home or office at the altar and worshipped regularly. Yantras drawn on thin plate can be folded or embedded in a silver or gold locket to be worn on the neck or tied on the arm with a sacred thread of specified colour such as red, yellow or black etc.

Click here to order this Yantra and free yourself from the fear of diseases.

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