Monday, April 19, 2010

Navagraha Homam - Comprehensive Remedy for all planetary

Navagraha homam is a comprehensive and potent yagna done to invoke the blessings of the nine planets. The homam is performed in nine stages, with separate offerings and mantras for each of the nine planets.

The Navagraha homam should be performed to overcome doshas such as Sani / Rahu / Ketu doshas or when the 'dasa' (ruling period) of a debilitated or afflicted planet is about to begin in our life (e.g. Sani dasa or Sade Sathi). Its benefits are manifold since it is a comprehensive remedy for all problems.

According to the Vedanga Jyotisha, each of the nine planets represents an aspect of our karmic account. Doshas in our horoscope occur when one or more of the planets is badly placed, debilitated or afflicted by the aspect of
an evil planet.

The Homam will be performed by our panel of Vedic priests and the prasadam will be shipped to you. You can view the Yagna performance over our YouTube channel:

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