Saturday, July 3, 2010

Remedies for Manglik Dosh (Kuja Dosha / Chovvai Dosham)

 Mangala Devi, Mangalore

There are many kinds of remedial measures, in which yantra and tantra play a prominent role in curtailing the evils. Yantra means an instrument or apparatus or a Talisman, a mystical graph. It is the shortest and easiest boon handed over to us by our Siddha sages for fulfilment of our ambitions. These yantras can be made on Gold, Silver, Copper, Bhojpatra, or Sphatik etc. Auspicious and some specific Muhurtas have also been specified for preparation of a yantra. These yantras can be written on bhojpatra with Ashtagandh. Special and specific Mantra japa and worship is done on these yantras to energize them.
Mars does play a vital role, in a female chart particularly, as it is a karaka or significator for husband. Therefore, the affliction of Mars curtails the marital harmony and causes delay. Mars / Mangal / Kuja / Bhouma / Angaraka Dosha is formed, when it is posited in any of the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses, of the chart. The first house is for self, 4th for marital happiness and peace of mind, 7th house for the partner in life; 8th house, the most malefic house is the 2nd from 7th and is also known as Mangalya Bhav and 12th for the pleasures of bed. So, all these houses are connected with the marital happiness and harmony. To this, I also add the second house, as it represents family. Married life without progeny will often become a nightmare. But Mars in these houses will have an adverse effect, only if it is a functional malefic planet for the native.

Remedy for the Mangal Dosha
Mangal Gauri Yantra is the only remedy for Manglik Dosha. If the native is facing problems such as late marriage, then the native is advised to do the Mangal Gauri Anusthan.
Om Hreem Mangalagauri Vivaahabaadhaam Naashaaya Swaha |
The above mantra is to be recited for a minimum of sixty four thousand to a maximum of hundred twenty five thousand times. The sage of the Mantra is Aja. The metre is Gayatri. The deity of the Mantra is Manglagauri. The Bija is Hrim and the Shakti is Swaha. The yantra is to be installed on a pedestal covered with yellow cloth. The yantra is worshipped with ‘panchopachara’ which includes the articles like vermillion, rice, flowers, incense, pure ghee and deepa (earthern lamp). Articles of Mars are to be donated after the worship.

(Extract from the book ‘Yantra Mahima’ by Dr.M.H.K.Shastri and Pt.Laxmi Kant Vashisth, Sagar Publications, New Delhi.)

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