Monday, September 6, 2010

7 Sep '10: Mangalavara, Vikruti, D.ayana, Sravana, Chaturdasi, Makha nakshatra, Siva yoga, Visti karana, Rahukala:1500-1630hrs

Mesha, Mithuna,Karkataka,Simha, Tula, Vrishchika, Kumbha and Meena Rashi borns have Chandra bala now.Chandraashtama for Makara Rashi Borns.

Chandraashtama is the period when the Moon crosses through the 8th house from your Moon sign for 2 1/2 days. When Moon is in the 8th house, disappointments, accidents and reversals occur. This period is avoided for launching new ventures or important tasks.

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