Monday, September 20, 2010

Kanti Vrata: 9th October 2010

Kanti Vrata

THIS austerity is related with the worship of Sri Krishna and Balaram. It commences on the second day of the bright half of the lunar month, Kartika(Oct—Nov) and lasts for a year, whereby a devotee observes a fast on the second day (bright half) of every month that follows.

While worshipping Balarama, a devotee should chant. “Om Baladevaya Namah” and while worshipping Sri Krishna, he should chant “Om Keshavaya Namah”. Subsequently, arghya (water) is offered to both the deities. A devotee should have food prepared from barley-flour in the night, but those devotees who have resolved to observe this austerity for four months beginning from Phalguna (Feb.-March) should live only on “kheer”.

Offerings of rice and sesame seeds are made in the sacrificial fire during the months of Aghan (Nov—Dec) and Kartika (Oct—Nov) respectively. The rituals conclude by worshipping the deity “Chandrama” at the end of the year. Finally all the three idols Sri Krishna, Balarama and Chandrama should be donated to Brahmins. A devotee who observes this austerity is bestowed with a charming personality. Kanti Vrata falls on 9th October 2010.

Source: Varaha Purana

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