Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tirumanancheri Temple - Pariharam for Early Marriage

The Tirumanancheri Temple, located in Thanjavur district, is famous for the parihara poojas performed here by lakhs of devotees who pray for early marriage or to overcome problems in marital life. Lord Shiva is worshipped here as Kalyansundareswarar and Parvati as Kokilambal.

According to the Sthala Puranam, Goddess Parvati expressed a wish for an earthly union in marriage with Shiva and incarnated herself as the daughter of Bharata Muni. The divine couple then tied the knot in Thirumanancheri. Therefore, it is believed that the Shiva & Parvati here answer the prayers of those devotees who face difficulties in getting married as well as those who face problems after marriage.

There is a popular anecdote told to attest for this fact: Two friends due to their close friendship promise to get their children married to each other in future. In due course of time, one gives birth to a beautiful girl and the other to a male child resembling that of a tortoise. The mother of the girl refuses to give her daughter in marriage to her friend’s son owing to his peculiar appearance. However the girl casts away her mother’s decision and seeks the mercy of Lord Shiva in Thirumanancheri with her beloved. The benevolent lord bestows a healthy form to him and unites them in marriage. Hence, it is believed that if the physical appearance of a person becomes an obstacle in one’s marriage, it will be taken care of by Kalyanasundareswarar and Kokilaambal by either rectifying it or by blessing one with a spouse who has the maturity to look beyond outward appearance.

Click here to offer a pooja at to the divine couple Lord Kalyanasunderaswarar and Devi Kokilambal to receive their grace in your search for a suitable life partner.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Holi and Masi Magam Special Pooja Offers from wishes you a Happy Holi and auspicious Maasi Magham.
The colorful festival of Holi is celebrated on Phalgun Purnima which comes in February end or early March. The Holi festival has its origin in the story of the demon Holika who, while trying to burn Prahlada, the great devotee of Lord Vishnu, was destroyed in the very fire she started.

In Tamilnadu, this day is also known as Maasi Magham, celebrated on the Magham day in the Tamil month of Maasi (February – March). Makam, Mahm or Makam, is one among the twenty seven stars (Nakshatras) in the astrological system. On this day, the deities are taken around in procession to the nearby rivers/tanks/sea for bath. Once in twelve years, Maasi Magam attains special significance and then it is known as Maha Maham. It is believed that those who take bath in the seas or rivers or ponds on the Maasi Magam will attain Moksha.
Offer a pooja at famous temples of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva on this auspicious full moon day:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pradosham dates in 2010

Pradosha Kaalam is a very auspicious time to offer pooja to Lord Shiva. Given below are the dates of the Pradosham days in 2010 with special significance, if any.
·         Soma Pradosham – When the Pradosham occurs on a Monday, it is called Soma Pradosham and is doubly auspicious. Click here to book your pooja at Vadakkunathan Shiva Temple, Thrissur on Soma Pradosham dates.
·         Bhauma Pradosham is when it comes on a Tuesday. Auspicious to offer worship at Vaideeswaran Temple on Bhauma Pradosham.
·         Shani Pradosham is when it happens on a Saturday. Auspicious to offer worship at Thirunallar Saneeswarar Temple.
January 12, 2010, Tuesday
Bhauma Pradosham
January 28, 2010, Thursday
February 11, 2010, Thursday
February 26, 2010, Friday
March 13, 2010, Saturday
Shani Pradosham
March 27, 2010, Saturday
Shani Pradosham
April 12, 2010, Sunday
April 26, 2010, Monday
Soma Pradosham
May 11, 2010, Tuesday
Bhauma Pradosham
May 25, 2010, Tuesday
Bhauma Pradosham
June 10, 2010, Thursday
June 23, 2010, Wednesday
July 9, 2010, Friday
July 23, 2010, Friday
August 7, 2010, Saturday
Shani Pradosh
August 21, 2010, Saturday
Shani Pradosham
September 6, 2010, Monday
Soma Pradosham
September 20, 2010, Monday
Soma Pradosham
October 5, 2010, Tuesday
Bhauma Pradosham
October 20, 2010, Wednesday
November 3, 2010, Wednesday
November 19, 2010, Friday
December 3, 2010, Friday
December 18, 2010, Saturday
Shani Pradosham

You can book your Pradosha Kaala pooja in advance at any of these famous temples at

Monday, February 22, 2010

Festivals in March 2010

Watch out for our special pooja offers for each of these festivals in March 2010:

Gudi Padwa / Ugadi / Hindu New Year – 16th March, 2010

Chaitra Navratri Begins – 16th March, 2010

Chaitra Navratri Ends – 24th March, 2010


Ram Navami – 24th March, 2010

Hanuman Jayanti (North India) – 30th March, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Andal Temple, Srivilliputhur

Two hours from Madurai, Srivilliputhur has one of the most famous Vaishnava temples of South India.
I had the fortune of visiting this holy Kshetra recently.
The majestic Gopuram of this temple is prominently shown in the Tamilnadu Government's official logo. The town is famous for the delicious "PaalKhoa", a milk sweet.

Lord Vishnu bestows His grace in the form of VadabhadraSai, and Andal, the prominent lady saint who becomes Lord Naaraayana's consort through her devotion, is the Thaayaar(mother) deity here.

Andaal and Periyaazhwaar are 2 great Tamil Vaishnavite saints who were born here.
Periyaazhwaar made a garden near the Vishnu temple, from where He took flowers for Pooja for the Lord everyday. It is in this garden that Andaal was born, and Periaazhwaar took care of Her. This is why Periaazhwaar is called the father-in-law of Lord Vishnu! The garden, with the icon of Andaal, can still be seen today near the temple.

Within the temple complex, there are shrines for SriRama, SrinivasaPerumal and Chakrathaazhwaar, another Vaishnavite saint. Exquisite paintings of the Lord adorn the Mandapams leading to the Garbhagraha/Moolavar Sannidhi or Primary shrine.

In the Moolavar Sannadhi is Aranganathar (Vishnu), accompanied by Andal and Garuda. Unlike most Vaishnava temples where Garuda is found facing the Lord, here He's with Him. This is in the top floor, and there's a floor beneath this, where Narasimhar and the 12 Azhwaars (Vaishnava saints) are worshipped.

Definitely a great temple to visit if you happen to travel in South Tamilnadu!

Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Gita preaching fatalism?

Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana

Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani
-Chapter 2, Shloka 47, the Bhagavad Gita

This is commonly translated as: Do your duty without thinking about the results.

Many, including myself, have found this oversimplified translation to be very confusing. (No offense meant to the great scholars who have read the Gita and translated it for the benefit of the masses.) So, here is a little more on the verse.

The context:
As Swami Chinmayananda has said lucidly, The Bhagavad Gita is told not in a serene environment like a forest with chirping birds and playful deer, but in a very violent atmosphere-right in the middle of a gory battlefield! What does this mean?
Very simple-The teachings of the Gita are not be read and practiced after retirement, after we have lived the best part of our lives (similar to the peaceful forest), but right during our eventful lives, which are full of problems (represented by the battlefield).

Now to the verse. If we are supposed to work without expecting any result, isn’t it useless? That is, only if we have a goal can we proceed progressively. Blindly walking without any directions will lead us to nowhere. So, does the Gita preach fatalism?

Not at all!
The charioteer only tells Dhananjaya (Arjuna) that one must do his duty with full sincerity, but without thinking about the results all the time. Worrying about the consequences only diverts one’s focus away from the goal. Whatever one does, must be done as if it is an offering to the Lord-this is called “Arpana Buddhi”, and whatever results he/she gets as a results of that action, must be accepted with equanimity, as it is the gift we have got-this is “Prasaada Buddhi”.

In a nutshell, do your everyday work sincerely, and accept the result graciously. That is, the result will come as a result of your present and past Karma-while you don’t have to worry about it, YOU HAVE TO PUT IN YOUR EFFORTS!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Vishnupati Punya Kaalam - 13 February 2010

Vishnupati punya kaalam is an auspicious time for all Vaishnavas to offer worship to Lord Vishnu. Vishnupathi comes once in every three months.

On the day of Vishnupati, nine hour period from 1.30 AM in the late night to 10.30 AM in the morning is referred as Vishnupathi Punya Kaalam. The nine hour period is the most auspicious in terms of offering poojas and other sadhanas to please Lord Vishnu.

Vishnu pati punya kaalam is one of the most important celebrations for Vaishnavites and the Vaishnava temples. On Vishnupathi day, in many temples Kumbhabhishekam or Mahakumbhabishekam or Sahasra Kumbhabishekam are performed.

Offer worship at famous Vishnu temples in India during Vishnupati Kaalam on 13th February 2010.