Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sri Raama Navami wishes!

On this auspicious day, the birthday of the Purushottama SriRaama, here are two interesting anecdotes related to Him, one of them which happened even before His birth!

Dasaratha kills Shravana:
Once, the childless king Dasaratha goes to a forest to hunt, and uses his Shabdavedi, a weapon that strikes the destination based on the sound emitted by the object to be attacked. He launches this after listening to what sounded like an animal drinking water. Unfortunately, it was a young boy who was collecting water in his pot for his aged blind parents, who became the victim of the weapon. Dasaratha is then shocked to see that he has killed the only son of helpless parents, who curse him that he would also suffer separation from his son, just like they had been deprived of theirs.
While Dasaratha was profoundly grief-struck by the incident, he also felt immensely happy that he had been "cursed". Since he had no children, he was satisfied that for the curse to be fulfilled, a son would first be born to him!Later, he got not one but four illustrious sons. Of course, the first one is the Hero Sri Raama!

Raama Sethu Bridge:
The building of the Sethu bridge to Lanka is very well known to all (except for those who don't want to know for some reasons :-)).
It is said that the Vaanara Sena built the bridge by throwing stones with Raama's name inscribed on them, and these floated to form the bridge.However, SriRaama Himself did the same-He picked a small stone and threw it into the sea, only to find that it sank immediately. Why?
Hanuman asks Raama, "They took your name and the stones are floating, whose name will you take?"
The stones used for the Lord became the bridge and the stone which the Lord discarded was useless!!!
Jai Sri Raam!

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